Career Exploration Resources

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    Careers in Urban Planning

    • Career Overview: Urban Planning

    • Audio: Career Overview: Careers in Urban Planning

    • Video: URBAN PLANNING Q&A: grad school, career, and tips for aspiring planners (Quesadiyah)

    • Relevant Articles: 5 Things To Know About Urban Planning (UTM Career Centre)

    • Video: URBAN PLANNING Q&A PART 2: career opportunities, book recommendations, and more (Quesadiyah)

    • Video: What if the poor were part of city planning? (TED)

    • Video: Designing cities for sustainability, resilience, and happiness (TEDx Talks)

    • Relevant Articles: Cities Weren't Built for Women (GEN)

    • Relevant Articles: Why Urban Planning Must Ensure Climate Justice (Triple Pundit)

    • Podcast: YC Interview with WSP's Zoe Nutton and Mikaela Sword