Career Exploration Resources

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    • Career Overview: Bionics

    • Audio: Career Profile: Bionics

    • Video: Interview with Erik Lloyd from Brink Bionics (Youth Culture Learning)

    • Related Articles: Patients Take Mind-Controlled Prosthetics for a Test Drive (Machine Design)

    • Related Articles: Ottawa Startup has its Sights on a Better Bionic Eye (The Globe and Mail)

    • Relevant Articles: University of Alberta Engineering Student Building Better Bionic Limbs (CBC)

    • Video: 5 Futuristic Mind-Controlled Prosthetics (Tech Vision)

    • Video: Blind Woman Becomes First in Quebec to Try 'Bionic Eye' (CTV News)

    • Video: Bionic Skin Lets Amputees Feel Their Missing Limbs Again (Freethink)

    • Video: David Sengeh on Invention Tips for Young People (MIT Full STEAM Ahead)