Career Exploration Resources

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    Artificial Intelligence

    • Overview: Artificial Intelligence

    • Audio: Overview Artificial Intelligence

    • Video: Artificial Intelligence in Canada (Plot11)

    • Relevant Articles: Scale AI supports four new projects and reports another extraordinary year of AI investments in Canada, for a total impact since inception of more than $200M (ScaleAI)

    • Video: 6 big ethical questions about the future of AI (TED)

    • Relevant Articles: Canada's Leadership in AI (CIFAR)

    • Video: How To Solve AI's Ethical Puzzles (TEDx Talks)

    • Video: How To Stop Artificial Intelligence From Marginalizing Communities? (TEDx Talks)

    • Relevant Articles: Artificial intelligence may help reduce food waste (The Western Producer)

    • Relevant Articles: Study Artificial Intelligence (University of Alberta)

    • Relevant Articles: A.I. in the beauty industry: How the pandemic finally made consumers care about it (Fortune)

    • Relevant Articles: New AI research chair developing ‘21st-century stethoscope’ to make diagnosing injury and illness faster and easier (University of Alberta)

    • Relevant Article: Faculty of Science - Study Artificial Intelligence (University of Alberta)

    • Relevant Articles: This landscape image was created by AI (AI Research)

    • Relevant Article: AI generated rap lyrics (Deep Beat)